Nine More Shows in Nine More Cities!
See the CLC Teardrop Camper in the Arbortech Tools Booth

Chesapeake Light Craft Teardrop Camper by Jackman Works and Arbortech

Paul Jackman with the CLC Teardrop Camper he built for Arbortech.

Chesapeake Light Craft Teams up with Arbortech and Jackman Works

January 24th, 2024

Arbortech Tools  manufactures high-end wood carving equipment. They stay on the road all year round, demonstrating their tools at woodworking shows and festivals.

CLC's first encounter with Arbortech was using one of their Power Carving Units to make perfect custom kayak seats out of minicel's a FAST way to make a great seat! 

We ran into Arbortech again a few years back at the WoodenBoat Show in Mystic. Studying CLC's Teardrop Camper, the Arbortech team decided that a Teardrop was exactly what they needed for their roadshow of woodworking professionals. Now they needed to BUILD a Teardrop Camper.

Enter prolific YouTuber Paul Jackman, a talented and imaginative craftsman based in Massachusetts. His Jackman Works YouTube channel is closing in on 400,000 subscribers. His videos are as entertaining as they are informative, a combination not as common on YouTube as one would like.

Arbortech already had a working relationship with Paul Jackman. Click! They had their builder. Arbortech sponsored Jackman's Teardrop Camper project. Jackman did his usual first-class job assembling the Teardrop Camper, in spite of a bout with Covid while in the final stretches. The cameras were rolling from the moment he picked up the kit at CLC right through completion, so look for great Teardrop Camper video on Paul's YouTube channel over the next six weeks or so!

Paul Jackman building the CLC Teardrop Camper for Arbortech and his YouTube channel

Special thanks to Trailex, too, for their support of this project. Learn more here about the SUT-1000-CLC, on which the camper's mounted.

Find out more about Arbortech's woodworking show appearances with the Jackman-built Teardrop at

Find more about Jackman Works at, and follow him on FacebookTwitterInstagram, and of course his YouTube channel. Check out Paul's Teardrop Camper building video below!